This life is made up of an endless amount of learning.

We are constantly listening, observing, reading and watching.

Some of the things we learn might seem useful in the moment, but actually stop us from growing into the person we are meant to become.

These things help us survive but don’t allow us to thrive.

Things like learning that our worth Is based on our productivity.

Things like being told that the only way to get a good paying job is by going to university or college. 

Things like learning that working 40 hours a week until we are 65 is the way life is supposed to be lived.

We can survive working until we are burnt out.

We can survive living paycheque to paycheque.

We can survive by settling for people and jobs.

But this life wasn’t designed for us to simply survive.

This life was designed for us to truly THRIVE.

It’s time for us to take our power back.

It’s time for us to stop getting degrees that don’t light us up.

It’s time for us to say no to the 9-5 jobs that consume our lives.

It’s time for us to free up our time to take care of our mental and physical health.

It’s time for us to make an abundant income and be financially free.

It’s time for us to adventure, explore and travel for as many weeks as our hearts desire.

It’s time for us to stop settling for a life that is “good enough” and start living a life that feels truly fulfilling.

It’s time to let go of a life of simply surviving and step into a life of truly thriving.

Are you ready?

Alyssa is a 23 year old college graduate who wasn’t fulfilled by the life she was living. She craved more than the regular 9-5 and felt stuck with where she was in life. After months of being stuck in the house due to the pandemic, she packed a couple bags, temporarily left her dog and partner, and moved to a small island in British Columbia where she spent 6 months as an aupair. She took that time in BC to go within and push herself out of her comfort zone; she knew that that was the best way for her to grow and evolve. Since then, she’s been traveling from Toronto to BC every few months while she continues to build her business and create complete freedom so she can travel the world in a van with her partner and their pup!

Alyssa is a 23 year old college graduate who wasn’t fulfilled by the life she was living. She craved more than the regular 9-5 and felt stuck with where she was in life. After months of being stuck in the house due to the pandemic, she packed a couple bags, temporarily left her dog and partner, and moved to a small island in British Columbia where she spent 6 months as an aupair. She took that time in BC to go within and push herself out of her comfort zone; she knew that that was the best way for her to grow and evolve. Since then, she’s been traveling from Toronto to BC every few months while she continues to build her business and create complete freedom so she can travel the world in a van with her partner and their pup!

Emily is a 23 year old university dropout who had a deep belief that her life was meant for more than what she was currently experiencing. She. dreamed of the kind of life where she could adventure, create, write and connect with. herself and other like minded people. After she left school, lost her job and ran out of things to clean in her apartment, she used. the time stuck inside to really go within and find her intuition. After a few more moths, she followed that intuition, packed up all her things into her car, left her partner and drove 300km away. During the next 7 months, she spent her time getting out of her comfort zone and experienced a full transformation from who she was to who she was ready to be. Now, she is continuously growing and learning while creating the freedom to live the kind of life she dreamed of!

Emily is a 23 year old university dropout who had a deep belief that her life was meant for more than what she was currently experiencing. She dreamed of the kind of life where she could adventure, create, write and connect with herself and other like minded people. After she left school, lost her job and ran out of things to clean in her apartment, she used the time stuck inside to really go within and find her intuition. After a few more months, she followed that intuition, packed up all her things into her car, left her partner and drove 300km away. During the next 7 months, she spent her time getting out of her comfort zone and experienced a full transformation from who she was to who she was ready to be. Now, she is continuously growing and learning while creating the freedom to live the kind of life she dreamed of!